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  4. How can I put myself in the best position to make a Select Team?

How can I put myself in the best position to make a Select Team?

“We become what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 

The best way to put yourself in a position to make a Select Team is to play futsal consistently. This does not always even require playing at the highest level. Many of our Select Players started out in our All Levels classes, even for years, but consistently played, session after session. They worked hard and kept at it. Many also frequently attend our camps or join our Youth Leagues to get more time playing.

We understand that players and families have many different commitments, from outdoor soccer to gymnastics to Scouts – and we encourage young ones in our community to try as many things as possible! We like well-rounded athletes and believe that playing different sports / doing different activities helps with injury prevention and preventing burnout – but we also notice a significant difference in the players who participate in one day of class per week throughout the year compared to players who take six months off and try to come back into futsal. There is a fine balance here and we encourage each player to talk with their family about what is best for them – but our general recommendation to put yourself in a position to be successful is to keep at it consistently, whether in a structured class at RCF or at your local school yard or park.

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